Discombobulated By The Red Pill

Comments on my recent video:

* Speaking of being discombobulated, my first year of the red pill consisted of me losing a job, flunking out of school, failing to make payments, alienating my family, losing what little friends I had left, devastating my physical health, plants dying from neglect, etc. While some people can look down the rabbit hole and then go about their day, I could not. I could not look away from what was unfolding before me. It was much like the atmosphere of the 1st movement of Schubert’s 8th symphony. Still I can hardly say the red pill has ruined my life for I was not content with myself prior to it. I did not know who I was and where I stood in the world. Now that I have an understanding of the world I can finally move forward. With my prior life being utterly demolished, I can now wipe the slate clean and start anew.

* I am about Casey’s age, I really feel for him, almost all of his concerns come from the indoctrination he knows his children will receive at school, my advice would be to homeschool. Many are doing it now and it doesn’t come with the stigma it used to. I have 9 children and those old enough for schooling have all been homeschooled. They still receive indoctrination but you are much more able to counter it.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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